Defeat OS, Android increasingly exist ~ Angkringan Digital

Minggu, 01 Januari 2012

Defeat OS, Android increasingly exist

Previously Apple's mobile operating system was the one who has always been king in the territory of the United States. Now the highest throne must direlakan IOS to rival Apple, Android.
Google's Android operating system, maintaining its position as the mobile device operating systems most used in the U.S. until November 2011.
According to comScore research institutes, from September to November 2011, Android earned 46.9 percent market share, up 3.1 percent from last August. Apple's second rank was occupied by the IOS its market share reached 28.7 percent, up 1.4.
While the BlackBerry OS (BBOS) made by Research In Motion (RIM) entrenched in the ranks third with 16.6 percent. BBOS market share fell 3.1 percent.
Rank 4 and 5 are occupied by Windows Phone from Microsoft which won 5.2 percent (down 0.5 percent) and Symbian from Nokia with 1.5 percent (0.3 percent drop).
Android market share and the IOS is predicted to continue to rise in subsequent months and will be much left other operating systems. According to statistics the day after Christmas, there are 6.8 million Android device activation and IOS on the 24th and December 25, 2011.
That number skyrocketed 353 percent compared to September 1 to December 20, where each day there are 1.5 million Android devices and IOS activation. Analysts, many people choose Android and IOS-based devices to be used as Christmas gifts.
Android's latest operating system version 4.0, named Ice Cream Sandwich, has debuted in the U.S. and was first pinned on the smartphone Samsung Galaxy Nexus. Since it was first introduced, Ice Cream Sandwiches extraordinary acclaim from vendors who produce Android devices. Vendors immediately said it would upgrade the operating system using the Ice Cream Sandwich.

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